
IJCIMBI Download

Statistics Registries

Participant (57) 12.61%
Presenter (395) 87.39%
Total: 452

Confirmation for internasional Publication
03-07-2015 15:04:41

Dear all IJCIMBI 2015 presenters, Since the result of further review done by the international reviewer has been notified to the committe of IJCMBI, The committee would like to inform to all presenters which named is listed below that the submitted papers are declined and will be published in the form of IJCIMBI Proceeding. The reasons for rejection are : 1. High percentage Plagiarism (Turnit In system) 2. Below standard in terms of English (writing) 3. Below Standard ... Selengkapnya

Fee for Recommended paper /Internasional Journal publishing
08-06-2015 14:33:33

Dear all IJCIMBI 2015 presenters, As the committee will further process all the recommended paper (availabe to be downloaded in the ijcimbi official website) to be published in the international journals, we would like to remind all presenters to fulfill the fee charged for publishing : US $135. Please do transfer the Fee only once you have received notification from the international reviewer notified by IJCIMBI Committee that you have fullfilled the qualification ... Selengkapnya

Journal Publication IJCIMBI 2015
05-06-2015 17:18:03

Dear all IJCIMBI 2015 presenters, As the committee will further process all the recommended paper (availabe to be downloaded in the ijcimbi official website) to be published in the international journals, we would like to remind all presenters to fulfill the fee charged for publishing : US $135. Fee transferring can be undertaken when you have received notification from the international reviewer notified by IJCIMBI Committee that you have fullfilled the qualification ... Selengkapnya

Penawaran penerbitan Prosiding IJCIMBI 2015/ Jurnal UUI
28-05-2015 09:46:10

Yth Seluruh Penulis dalam Konferensi IJCIMBI 2015 Berdasarkan hasil review yang telah lakukan oleh para reviewer IJCIMBI 2015, berikut kami sampaikan bahwa paper Anda untuk saat ini masih belum memenuhi kriteria penerbitan pada jurnal internasional, maka panitia memberikan kesempatan untuk paper diterbitkan pertanggal 1 Juni. View ... Selengkapnya

Tempat Menarik

Pulau Sabang Aceh
Musium Tsunami Aceh
Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman
Pasar Aceh